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1996年から2019年までのALFPの軌跡をまとめた報告書「アジアの未来は、世界の未来~共に考えるプラットフォームをつくる~」の電子版です。 目次 本報告書は、約四半世紀にわたるALFPの活動の意義を振り返り、またその課題を顧みながら、今後のアジア域内の交流に向けた礎のひとつになることを願い作成しました。
2013年2月6日に開催された特別シンポジウムの議事録(英文)です。 パネル1 パネル2 総括パネル
『The Community of Asia: Concept or Reality?』
ALFPフェローによる初の論文集が2006年に出版されました。本書は、 の5章から成っており、過去10年の間にフェローが共通の課題として議論した様々なテーマを取り上げています。 |
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Imagining Plural Asias: How Can We Enrich Interrelationships across Borders?
Seeking Our Commons in Asia: How Can We Create Visions for the Future?
Seeking Our Commons in Asia: How Can We Create Visions for the Future?
Seeking Our Commons in Asia: How Can We Create Visions for the Future?
The Future of Asia, the World and Humanity after Development and Growth
The Future of Asia, the World and Humanity after Development and Growth
Asia in Dialogue: Visions and Actions for a Humane Society
Rethinking Global Challenges:Asian Intellectuals in Dialogue
Action in Dialogue:Towards a Responsible Society
Unity and Diversity:Democratic Dimensions
Unity in Diversity:From Exclusive State to Collaborating Communities
Communities in Action:Struggle for Peace and Sustainability in Asia
Acting Asian:Contradictions in a Globalizing World
Unequal Worlds and the Roads Ahead
The Role of Public Intellectuals in Changing Asia
Rethinking Existing Paradigms:Public Intellectuals in Action
Action and Reflection:Experiences of Globalization in Asia
Global Challenge, Local Response:Asian Experiences and Concerns
Asia in Transition:Localizing Strategies, Globalizing Processes
Culture, Development, and Emancipation:the search for a new paradigm
Intellectual Concerns and Critiques in Southeast Asia
Samrat Choudhury (India)
From Fluidity to Rigidity: Borders, Identities, and Perils of Postmodern Angst
Aziz Ali Dad (Pakistan)
The Nation and Marginal Imagination
Asmin Fransiska (Indonesia)
Indonesia Challenges in Natural Disaster Context: Mental Health Protection from Human Rights Perspectives
Lydia Lubon (Malaysia)
Making an Impact through Non-Fiction Film
Alongkot Maiduang (Thailand)
Moving Images as a Means to Communicate across Borders
Sawanishi Mikiko (Japan)
The United Nations’ Grassroots Democracy Promotion in Asia: Global, Local, and Regional
Sun Dong (China)
Is There a Way Out?—the possible reconciliation between conflicting ideas
Silot Uon (Cambodia)
Cambodia and the Image of Plural Asias
Hatano Ayako (Japan)
Hate Speech and Human Rights in Globalized Society
Fazal Khaliq (Pakistan)
Seeking Our Common Cultural Heritage in Asia: How I Developed My Vision for the Future
Sudirman Nasir (Indonesia)
We Should Anticipate an Aging Population in Asia: An Indonesian Perspective
Smita M. Patil (India)
Caste and Gender Debates in India
Phan Thanh Duc (Vietnam)
Changes in Higher Education: Together We Create the Perspective of Our Future
Saroj Srisai (Thailand)
Lessons Learned from Disaster Management in Southeast Asia: Transboundary Haze Pollution and Way Forward
Wang Xin (China)
Lead, not Feed
Fujioka Emiko (Japan)
In the Aftermath of Fukushima: Searching for Diversities and True Harmony in Japanese Society
Amran Hossain (Bangladesh)
Lessons from ALFP 2016: Secular Religious Practices and Common Visions in Asia
Lee Taeho (Korea)
A Greeting from Fukushima: Annyeonghaseyo? (Ogenkidesuka?)
Phan Ngoc Diem Han (Vietnam)
The Rise of Asia: Ambition and Division
Kumar Sundaram (India)
Citizens Protests in India and Japan: The Commons Are Rising to Defend and Expand Democratic Spaces
Criselda Yabes (Philippines)
Islands and Territories: How Do We Shape Our Sovereignty?
Ayang Utriza Yakin (Indonesia)
Halal Food, Identity, and Authority in Japan
Arulanantham Sarveswaran (Sri Lanka)
Role of Japan in Peacebuilding in Asia with Special Reference to Sri Lanka
Jaideep Hardikar (India)
The Many Working Worlds Within
Saranarat Kanjanavanit (Thailand)
Connecting to Nature for Resilient Urban Society
Karen Lai Yu Lee (Malaysia)
Common Problems, Diverse Solutions: Emergent Themes and Reflections from ALFP 2015
Nomura Mai (Japan)
Emotional Intelligence — Key to Enrich Society
Dinah Roma (Philippines)
Narrating Our Cultural Commons
Harry Surjadi (Indonesia)
Japan and Indonesia — Connecting the Communities
Yin Shuxi (China)
The Spiritual Linkage in Asia
Vishalache Balakrishnan (Malaysia)
Ensuring the Sustainability of Growth and Development through Education: Case Studies based on 2014 ALFP Program in Japan
Lee Wonjae (Korea)
Generations after Growth and Development
Sikder Monoare Murshed (Bangladesh)
Democracy and Minority Rights in Bangladesh
Nguyen Viet Khoi (Vietnam)
The Strategic Role of Asian Countries in the Global Value Chains
Ambeth R. Ocampo (Philippines)
Reflections on Meaning and History, the Philippines and Japan
Mallika Shakya (Nepal)
Revisiting (Post)-Development Discourse in Nepal: Turbulent Textile and Garment Industry as a Case Study
Nelia G. Balgoa (Philippines)
Retracing Filipino International Migration: Interrogating Feminization, Human Agency and Transnational Spaces
Imata Katsuji (Japan)
Strategy for Mainstreaming an Alternative Growth Model
Lwin Lwin Mon (Myanmar)
Multicultural Coexistence in Japan
Zubair Torwali (Pakistan)
Pakistan: A Society in Perpetual Turmoil